How Homeopathy Works
Homeopathy is a scientific system of healing developed by Samuel Hannehmann - a German doctor and chemist - over 200 years ago. It uses the law of similars, or 'like cures like', in which a substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person will cure the same symptoms in a sick person.
For example, in a case of insomnia, if indicated, a homeopath might prescribe a minute dose of a substance such as coffee. In large doses coffee can cause sleeplessness, but when administered in homeopathic form, it will enable the patient to sleep naturally.
This contrasts with the orthodox medical approach to insomnia which frequently involves the use of large or regular doses of drugs to bring on an artificial sleep. These drugs can sometimes cause side-effects or addiction. Homeopathic remedies do not carry such risks as only a minute amount of the active ingredient is used in a specially prepared form.
Remedies are made from natural ingredients drawn from the plant, mineral and animal kingdoms. They are prepared through a process of succussion and dilution. This removes any possible trace of toxicity whilst retaining detectable information specific to the original substance. They are entirely safe and, as well as being free from the risk of side effects or addiction, they are not tested on animals.
When someone takes an indicated homeopathic remedy, the characteristics of which correspond to the person's symptoms, the effect of the remedy will be to initiate a healing response. Because they are sensitive to the original substance contained in that remedy, only a small dose is needed.
You do not have to be ill to visit a homeopath. Many people attribute their high levels of energy and positive approach to life to preventative homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy is an investment in your future health.
Information on current research in homeopathy can be found at the Homeopathy Research Institute.
The Homeopathic Consultation
Homeopathy treats the individual not just their illness. No two individuals are alike and so the first homeopathic consultation involves taking a detailed case history. This will include a full medical history, information about the main problem you have sought treatment for and a lot of questions about seemingly unrelated issues such as your likes and dislikes, your temperament and your general state of health. This confidential information enables the homeopath to prescribe a remedy that fits you best as a person and matches your symptoms as you experience them.
The first appointment usually lasts between 60 and 90 minutes and follow-up consultations are between 30 and 45 minutes.