Pre-conception, Pregnancy and Birth
Homeopathy optimises health and promotes the body's natural ability to reproduce. It can provide holistic care to help with infertility issues.
Pregnancy is one of the most special times of your life. Homeopathy can provide you with the gentle and effective care to make it a happy and healthy experience. It will help to support and preserve a viable pregnancy therefore reducing the chances of miscarriage by:
Strengthening the mother's immune system
Balancing the hormonal system
Addressing the effect of any external trauma
Issues can arise in late pregnancy and during labour which can restrict your choices in the type of delivery you would like and increase the likelihood of medical interventions. Homeopathic treatment has the capability to either avert or help with many of these situations and keep birth a straightforward and positive experience.
Treatment after birth can help to ensure that both mother and baby thrive, addressing any potential future issues at the start and facilitating a calm and contented time ahead for both.
Below are listed some of the situations in which homeopathy can be helpful:
Many people who have faced challenges in conceiving a child have been able to become pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby after homeopathic treatment. Around 50% of infertility is unexplained and so can't always be treated by orthodox medicine. This is because orthodox medicine depends on the diagnosis of a specific condition in order to provide treatment. Homeopathy uses a much broader range of information on which to base a prescription and so does not rely solely on a particular diagnosis. The same applies to miscarriages. In treating the whole person, homeopathy enables the body's reproductive system to function more effectively.
In cases of unexplained infertility, it is important that both partners receive treatment.
During pregnancy:
Homeopathy can provide relief from many of the uncomfortable ailments or anxieties that can arise at this time such as: sickness, fatigue, cramps, threatened miscarriage, water retention, pre-eclampsia, constipation, high blood pressure, backache, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, malposition, post-dates and emotional problems
During labour:
As well as helping with pain management, some of the problems that homeopathic remedies can be used to address during labour are: failure to progress, irregular labour, fear and anxiety, exhaustion, ill-effects of drugs, excessive bleeding, retained placenta
Many of the difficulties commonly experienced after giving birth can be swiftly and gently relieved by prompt homeopathic treatment. These include trauma, after-pains, prevention of post-partum infection, mastitis, breast-feeding problems, post-natal depression
Similarly, in the newborn, shock after birth, neonatal hernia, jaundice, retention of urine, constipation, inflammation of eyes, colic, sleeplessness, abnormal crying, thrush, feeding difficulties, cradle cap, recovery from circumcision all respond well to homeopathy
Homeopathy alongside your medical care
Just as in the treatment of chronic disease, homeopathy is there to support the patient in whatever birth choices they feel most comfortable with. This will range from a purely homeopathic approach to a more integrative form of healthcare combining the benefits of homeopathy with traditional medical care.
What I can offer you
Treatment for any problems that may arise before, during or after pregnancy and training for you and your partner in how to use homeopathy for support through the delivery itself.
I offer two different birth packages to suit individual needs:
Package one consists of an introductory consultation in which I explain the basic principles of homeopathy and how to apply these in the context of labour. I loan a kit of relevant remedies with information on how to use them and provide a useful handout. If required, a longer consultation can be given at this time and a homeopathic prescription made.
Package two includes all of the above in addition to homeopathic care and support throughout the pregnancy and postpartum to address any emotional or physical needs as they arise. This package can be tailored to suit individual needs. I have found this option tends to provide significant reassurance for both partners.
Please call me to discuss your personal circumstances.
“Esme has attended the births of each of our three children. They have all been positive experiences and Vicky, my wife, has been able to deliver each time using purely the homeopathic remedies that Esme prescribed, with no other pain relief. This included the recent birth of our third child, a 10lb daughter, whose delivery entailed potentially serious complications, due to her size and the fact that the cord was wrapped twice around her neck. Homeopathy has enabled us to have the birth experiences that we hoped for and ensured, thanks to Esme’s reassuring support, that the pregnancies were also happy and healthy times.”
“Esme was recommended to me by friends after I had my first baby. My son was born weighing over 10 pounds and was delivered naturally in the posterior position. As a result of an extremely intense and long labour I experienced a lot of pain and discomfort which made caring for my newborn very difficult. As I was unable to leave my house, Esme very kindly agreed to give me a telephone consultation and the next day the treatment arrived in the post. Within 1 hour of taking the first dose, I felt immediate relief and was able to walk around with more ease. After 4 days I was essentially completely healed. Without Esme’s treatment I would have been looking at a considerably longer recovery period of at least a month, in fact my midwife was absolutely amazed at the turnaround in my health and comfort levels when she visited me a week after the birth. I would recommend Esme to any expectant mother.”
These testimonials do not represent evidence, but the personal opinions of these patients after treatment.